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Vans Tokyo Design Collective
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Vans Tokyo Design Collective
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Vans Tokyo Design Collective
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Vans Tokyo Design Collective
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Vans Tokyo Design Collective
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Vans Tokyo Design Collective
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Vans Tokyo Design Collective
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Vans Tokyo Design Collective
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Vans Tokyo Design Collective
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Vans Tokyo Design Collective
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Vans Tokyo Design Collective
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Vans Tokyo Design Collective
由中田慎介、加藤忠幸两人共同主导的 Vans 子品牌 VANS TOKYO DESIGN COLLECTIVE 正式推出第三回全新胶囊系列,今次两人重新设计了 Vans Slip-On 98 鞋款,带来灰格纹/黑圆点和黑底/白圆点两种款式;而服装部分则打造了双面穿羽绒教练夹克、半拉链有领长袖衫,配色提供海军蓝、灰、黑等中性色调。
此系列预计在 9 月 21 日正式登陆 VANS TOKYO DESIGN COLLECTIVE 官网发售,有兴趣的读者不妨多加留意。