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Read the disturbing threats Big Pharma exec 'sent to bosses at his health insurance provider' after they refused to pay for Crohn's medicine

3 months ago 22

An AstraZeneca executive is accused of sending excruciatingly detailed threats to health fund bosses after they denied his claim.

Justin Dynlacht, 54, allegedly sent 15 emails, 12 letters and two faxes to his ex-bosses, Aetna, and its parent company CVS Health in a yearlong campaign of terror.

The letters detailed in a court affidavit threatened to kill, rape, torture, and mutilate three executives, their families and children, and various other staff in revenge.

Threats were often incredibly graphic, including cutting victims into pieces and putting them around Aetna offices as a warning to others.

CVS Health chief executive Karen Lynch (pictured) was one of numerous people Justin Dynlacht, 54, allegedly sent 15 emails, 12 letters and two faxes to, also including his ex-bosses, health provider Aetna, and its parent company CVS Health in a yearlong campaign of terror

One of the letters Dynlacht allegedly sent to Aetna after it denied his claim

'You really need to have your f**king brains blown out while you are walking to your car in the Aetna parking lot one day,' one of the tamer messages read. 

Dynlacht was tracked down and FBI agents burst through his door in Rockville, Maryland, on May 8 and arrested him, and he now faces cyberstalking charges.

He allegedly began his campaign after Aetna put him thousands of dollars in debt after out-of-network treatment for Crohn's disease in 2022.

Dynlacht explained to the New York Times in an article about hidden health fees that he had to consult a specialist about persistent abdominal pain, who found a hernia containing abdominal tissue.

Feeling 'ripped off' by the huge bill, the affidavit explained how he appealed the coverage but was denied - and lashed out. 

First he emailed then-Aetna president Daniel Finke on November 13, 2022, calling the two in-network doctors who failed to diagnose him 'f**king quacks'.

Dynlacht wrote that he wished he 'never would have met you and the greedy and corrupt goddamn a**holes who run Aetna'.

He called the employees who denied his claim 'two of the greediest, most corrupt and useless people that I have ever interacted with'.

'Honestly, I find useless idiots like [them] in my bowel movements.'

Four of the letters sent anonymously or under fake names during the harassemnt

Dynlacht followed up on January 6 with an email to Finke, the two employees, and Karen Lynch, chief executive of Aetna parent company CVS Health.

'The four of you are corrupt, greedy c**ksuckers… Go f**k yourselves, you goddamn f**king thieves,' he wrote.

'Aetna is the absolutely the worst health insurance company in the US and its executives are all criminals who I sincerely hope burn in f**king hell!' 

Sick of his vulgar harassment, Aetna told AstraZeneca about the emails and an abusive phone call he made to its office, and he was hauled in by HR.

The affidavit explained Dynlacht showed no remorse and claimed his actions were 'justified' as a 'reaction in kind' at the January 18 meeting.

'Dynlacht was not apologetic, nor did he believe he behaved unprofessionally,' the affidavit explained. AstraZeneca sacked him five days later.

No more communication was sent to Aetna under Dynlacht's name from that point. Instead, the FBI alleged his threats were anonymous or under fake names.

Aetna then-president Daniel Finke (center) and his staff were sent graphic threats for more than a year

Sometime during the campaign, Finke stepped down as president and was replaced by Brian Kane (pictured) - who then also became a target

They began on March 16, 2023, and not only targeted Aetna, but his bosses at AstraZeneca and other staff involved in firing him.

Sometime during the campaign, Finke stepped down as president and was replaced by Brian Kane - who then also became a target.

One of the earliest messages was a fax from 'Syed Hussain', who claimed to be a Saudi Arabian man whose claim Aetna had denied.

'You need to do serious prison time for your criminal activities in a maximum security facility where you will be constantly raped in the a**hole and defecated on by both your cell mates and the prison guards,' it read.

'In my home country - The Kingdom of Saudi Arabi (sic) - they would have already cut off your t*ts and sliced up your little tight c**t. 

'Additionally, they would definitively behead a f**king corrupt b***h like you. You will not evade justice for much longer… one way or the other you must pay for your crimes.'

Then on May 18, 2023, the same Aetna employee was sent a fax from 'Steve Hardi' that claimed the US justice system was 'so corrupt' people needed to 'take justice into their own hands'.

'You really need to have your f**king brains blown out while you are walking to your car in the Aetna parking lot one day,' it read.

'This will teach you f**king thieves to steal hundreds of millions of dollars. May you and Aetna executive management suffer much worse than your policy members.'

Two more of the letters he allegedly sent with disturbing threats

One letter was even sent to the home of an AstraZeneca executive on June 5, 2023, wishing revenge for 'your crimes that killed and injured so many Covid-19 vaccine recipients'.

'I hope you are violently raped with a lead pipe in your a**hole, I hope the defecate all over your face and then cut off your balls and your d**k before smashing in your f**king skull like it's a pinata (sic),' it read. 

Another along the same lines was sent to a legal department employee at the vaccine maker on November 25 last year.

'Hopefully, once in prison other prisoners will defecate all over your faces and use your throats and mouths like toilet bowls, then rape you, torture you by inserting a butcher's knife with a six-inch blade into your rectums before strangling you and breaking your necks,' it read.

'May your husband and your two little f**king bastard children [children's names] suffer greatly when they become motherless when you are sent to prison.'

The letters became more overt this year, as the sender 'changes their wording from 'wishing' and 'hoping' that graphic and horrific violent actions 'should' be taken against the previous victims, to instead using more explicit threats'.

On March 22 came what the FBI called the 'most graphically violent and threatening letter', signed 'Someone Whose Family Was Severely Harmed by the Goddamn Greedy Aetna Management'.

The letter claimed Aetna claims adjusters and executives would be 'swiftly executed on live TV for your serious financial crimes' if they were in China or the Middle East, and again claimed citizens had to take justice into their own hands.

As 'payback' the letter promised two employees 'can expect' that they are and their families would be victims of 'horrific home invasion robberies in the near future' that appeared to be '100% random in nature'.

'You two f**king c**ts will be abducted, brutally raped, tortured and then have oyur bodies hacked up into small pieces which machetes or guillotine like devices,' it read.

'Finally, after this occurs, your dismembered body parts will be scattered throughout the Aetna campuses in OH, FL and CT to send a message to your management.'

On March 22 came what the FBI called the 'most graphically violent and threatening letter'

Then on April 11, 'Alex Stevens' emailed his wish that three appeals department staff would died horribly in a plane crash.

'I hope that the mechanics that work on the Aetna and CVS Health Corporate Jets deliberately tamper with the jets so that they crash one day soon and the three of you f**king greedy corrupt dishonest pieces of human excrement are all killed in a fiery plane crash,' it read.

The next day, 'Christopher Thomas' sent the same wish to the company's executives.

'I lost my stepdaughter recently because Aetna refused to pay for her reconstructive surgeries that she required from 3rd degree burns and she ended up killing herself as a result,' it read.

'I hope the four of you are burned alive in plane crashes, as you all travel very much.'

The threats continued to escalate with a particularly disturbing one from 'Greg Clark' on April 18 promising to teach four executives 'a lesson you will never forget'.

'Let's suppose the four of you are abducted one day soon from your homes during very violent and gruesome home invasion robberies,' it read.

'The for four f**kers are defecated on, tortured, and finally your kidnappers will place very small quantities of demolition explosives (Gelignite) in your orifices including your mouths, vaginas, and rectums not to kill you but to give you four f**kers third degree burns and then you four will all commit suicide yourselves!'

Another threat of violent home invasions was sent on April 24, with yet more horrific torture threats. 

'The home invaders use power drills… with 6 inch drill bits to drill multiple holes through your skulls but not before brutally torturing and raping you in every orifice like you have tortured and raped your policyholders for years,' it read.

FBI investigators allegedly identified Dynlacht through handwriting analysis on the handwritten letters and the addressed envelopes, his IP address on the emails, and postal data.

Agents then burst in at 6am and searched his apartment at Wentworth House Apartments in Rockville, Maryland, and allegedly found and unsent letter dated March 12, 2023, addressed to both companies.

Dynlacht will be arraigned in a Delaware court on June 13 and faces five years in jail if convicted. 

'The nature of the messages appears to be out of character for a man who is fifty-four years old and has never incurred an arrest,' he lawyers wrote.

'Undersigned counsel needs time to have Mr Dynlacht psychologically evaluated so that an appropriate home plan can be developed.'

All the victims and their companies declined to comment. 

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