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Alex Jones sobs in emergency broadcast claiming feds are plotting to shut down Infowars in just hours, forcing him to sleep in his Texas studio to stop raid

4 months ago 20

Alex Jones broke down in tears on his show this week while claiming federal authorities were preparing to shut down his studio.

The 50-year-old conspiracy theorist sobbed openly on Infowars Saturday, making the unfounded accusation in the process.

The fringe conservative further claimed he had to sleep in the show's Dallas studio the night before to prevent it from being padlocked, hours before the web version of his network, in an article, claimed the same.

Both described the four-hour-long broadcast as one made in emergency, 'to break down how the Deep State effort to shut down' Jones's website, which has long faced flak for false stories.

On Saturday, Jones became visibly upset as he said he was battling back unspecified accusations - supposedly detailed in a trove of 'secret federal files'. Jones is most notorious for saying the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre was staged, a claim that is decidedly false.

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The 50-year-old conspiracy theorist sobbed openly on Infowars Saturday, making the unfounded accusation in the process

'I love this crew,' Jones says about 15 minutes into the final hour of the X broadcast, before burying his face in his hand.

'I'm so pissed off,' he said, starting to sob.

Referencing previous points in the broadcast where he exaggerated his depression with crocodile tears, he concedes, 'I'm trying to cry as a fake thing, but I am so sick of these people,' with his eyes welling up with tears.

'All we're trying to do is save America, and they're f**king us over, over and over again. 

'And it's just so sick - it's sick, it's sick,' he adds, visibly emotional. 

'I want to leave - because it's going to be over, folks.' 

The Texan goes on to insist that 'I'll come back bigger than ever,' before adding, 'But my baby, I'm watching them rape it.'

After the stark display of emotion, Jones is seen quickly returning to his animated self - calling members of the unspecified federal agencies supposedly stalking him 'p**sies' and 'a**holes.'

As of writing, it remains unclear which federal body the controversial commentator had been referring to -  or if it was just the government in general.

Jones became visibly upset as he said he was battling back unspecified accusations - supposedly detailed in a trove of 'secret federal files'

At another point, he rants that '[he's] been under attack... [and] gaslit.'

'I've had secret federal files on me that committing crimes referred to the Justice Department.  

At one point, his is even heard shouting: 'You want f***ing war, you f***ing got it!'

The declaration from the de facto Don Quixote was followed by another - where he suggested, 'This may be my final performance.'

Almost two years ago, Jones was ordered to pay $1.5billion damages to Sandy Hook victims' families, after he which he offered to pay the families of Sandy Hook victims $55 million over 10 years.

Jones has faced criticism in the past for playing an amped-up version of himself not only on the air but in public - a persona that has gotten him in hot water in the past,

However, as many have pointed out, it has also gotten him views - and a multimillion dollar media empire - in the process, one that continues to draw eyes months after the talking head was reinstated on Elon Musk's X.

Meanwhile, Jones has yet to fork over any of the more than billion-dollar sum to any of the victims of the mass shooting, which occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut.

There, 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people, including 20 kids aged between six and seven years old, and six adult staff members.

Meanwhile, Jones has yet to fork over any of the more than billion-dollar sum to any of the victims of the mass shooting, which occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut. Twenty-five of the 26 victims are pictured

Lawyers for the right-wing conspiracy theorist have previously claimed he is a 'performance artist' - one whom is merely 'playing a character' on his Infowars show.

The program, started in 1999, has since burgeoned into a full-fledged network, despite shilling a steady stream of disputable stories and claims.

'He's playing a character,' his attorney, Randall Wilhite, said at a pretrial hearing where Jones's ex Kelly Jones attempted - successfully to get custody of their three children. 'He is a performance artist.' 

Kelly obtained custody of the kids after citing her husband's 'unstable' character and possibly illegal remarks.

On Sunday, a more stable Jones offered an update to his alleged face-off with federal  agents - in which he advised viewers to refrain from getting physical with the federal government.

He also told Newsweek that he spotted 'guards looking at me weird' at the entrance of the Infowars building in Downtown Dallas, and believed his company was going to be shut down.

On Sunday, a more stable Jones offered an update to his alleged face-off with federal agents - in which he advised viewers to refrain from getting physical with the government. admitted that even he wasn't sure if the supposed operation was actually happening

Despite the emotion exhibited in the Saturday segment, Jones admitted in an ensuing post to X that even he wasn't sure if this was actually happening. 

'There's a 50 percent chance this is happening right now,' Jones wrote on the site formerly known has Twitter, which famously scrubbed him for unfounded, harmful remarks.

'They want us shut down because in bankruptcy and what was happening we have a path with the judge to continue on for years, and the judge has signaled that. 

'Different groups involved in the bankruptcy that will be exposed soon have literally made a move to shut this place down and end my show.'

As of Monday morning, Infowars appears to still be up and running. No other reports of federal agents near the studio's premises have been received.

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