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Britain's biggest benefit cheats: How lowlife fraudsters fake needing wheelchairs, being single parents and even having dementia to swindle £56m out of taxpayers... before justice finally catches up with them

5 months ago 15

Shameless benefit cheats are costing British taxpayers billions of pounds every year.  

It was revealed in April that Universal Credit has cost £11 billion in fraud in the past two years, with £5.5 billion being pilfered last year alone, according to the National Audit Office. 

Some of the biggest scroungers have been shamelessly caught going on 5k runs or faking illnesses to rake in their ill-gotten gains to splash out on luxury holidays and live the high life. 

Only last month five Bulgarian crooks were convicted of carrying out the biggest con in British history after plundering a jaw-dropping £54 million. 

Here MailOnline looks at how some of the biggest swindlers have cheated the system to live a life of luxury before justice finally caught up with them. 

Gang plundered £54 MILLION off taxpayers in fake ID scheme 

During a four-and-a-half-year spree, a gang of five crooks used a combination of fake identities and real customers to make roughly 6,000 fraudulent Universal Credit claims, operating out of three 'benefits factories' in north London.

They splashed out their cash on designer clothes, watches and even a high-end Audi sports car. On social media they shamelessly flaunted expensive spa breaks and posted snaps of them holidaying abroad.

In one post, two of the fraudsters - Galina Nikolova, 38 and her 27-year-old lover Stoyan Stoyanov - boasted about a luxurious trip to Turkey, where they visited Istanbul's famed Grand Bazaar, posing together in designer DKNY shirts.

Two of the criminals of a gang that carried out Britain's biggest con in history - Galina Nikolova, 38, and Stoyan Stoyanov, 27 - pictured together in 2020 while on holiday in Turkey

Nikolova and Stoyanov pose at an attraction during a lavish trip to Istanbul (left) in September 2020, before later sharing a photo together on a jaunt to Manchester (right) in October 2020

The pair of con artists also shared a snap canoodling on a trip to a luxury spa in Manchester. And Nikolova posted a picture of bunches of roses, gifted by her 'love'.

While in a different post, a pouting Nikolova filmed a trip to Birmingham where she visited the Aston Hall stately home before watching a match at Villa Park, the home ground of Aston Villa's football club.

Another clip recorded by the gang, showed one of them shamelessly showering their flat with hundreds of £20 notes, while a woman scrambles on her hands and knees to pick them up.

Nikolova, Stoyanov, 27, Tsvetka Todorova, 52, Gyunesh Ali, 33, and Patritsia Paneva, 26, all entered guilty pleas at Wood Green Crown Court which were last month accepted by the CPS.

Their criminal convictions mark what is the largest benefit fraud prosecution and investigation ever brought to the courts in England and Wales - with the gang now facing years behind bars.

On Gyunesh Ali's mobile phone that was seized, officers found  a video showing the fraudsters showering their flat with hundreds of £20 notes

Nikolova is also seen standing behind the counter of Antonia's Foods in Wood Green, pouting at the camera alongside an unknown man 

Prosecutors said the gang used the benefits system 'like a cash machine'. Pictured: Huge stacks of cash found during the investigation 

The crooked couple cuddle up together in an earlier snap taken in Palmers Green, north London, with Nikolova boasting: 'The air that I breathe' in the online post from September 2020

Patritsia Paneva, 26, (left) and Tsvetka Todorova, 52, (right) pleaded guilty alongside the four other criminals at Wood Green Crown Court yesterday

Gyunesh Ali, 33, pleaded guilty alongside the four other criminals at Wood Green Crown Court yesterday

The enormous haul of money gained from the claims was laundered through a number of accounts, then withdrawn in cash – with £750,000 in bank notes found stuffed in suitcases at one of their homes

They used their ill-gotten gains to fund luxury lifestyles, buying designer clothes, watches and even a high-end Audi sports car

Prosecutors said they operated from three 'benefits factories' in north London.

One of the hubs was behind a functioning corner shop selling groceries. The group appeared to be hiding in plain sight - with Nikolova posting photos on social media smiling and posing behind the counter of Antonia's Foods supermarket in Wood Green.

The store, in High Road, specialised in Bulgaria, Turkish, Romanian and Polish foods.

The enormous haul of money gained from their 'complex financial web' of claims was laundered through a number of accounts, then withdrawn in cash – with £750,000 in bank notes found stuffed in suitcases at one of their homes.

Benefits cheat filmed running when she claimed she could barely walk 

Annette Bond was paid almost £70,000 in benefits over ten years after claiming she could barely stand up due to multiple sclerosis

Annette Bond was paid almost £70,000 in benefits over ten years after claiming she could barely stand up due to multiple sclerosis.

However, the 50-year-old was filmed by fraud investigators running three mile circuits from her home in Stanley, Perthshire up to four times per week.

This week the jeweller was sentenced to two years in prison following a hearing at Perth Sheriff Court.

Sheriff William Wood told her: 'You must have known you did not meet the criteria for the benefits of which you were in receipt. 

'Your conduct can only be characterised as a prolonged and egregious course of dishonesty, for which there is no excuse.

'You have obtained, through fraud, a significant sum of money to which you had no entitlement and you have deprived the taxpayer of funds that might have been usefully spent elsewhere.

'You have defrauded the state of a large sum of money over a protracted period. I am satisfied only a custodial sentence is appropriate.'

A sheriff told Bond her conduct could be characterised as a 'prolonged and egregious course of dishonesty'

The 50-year-old was filmed by fraud investigators running three mile circuits from her home in Stanley, Perthshire up to four times per week

a fraud investigation team set up secret surveillance to capture Bond running around lengthy circuits from her home 

The 50-year-old from Stanley, Perthshire, was filmed by fraud investigators

Bond was also ordered to pay back the cash she conned from taxpayers under proceeds of crime legislation.

She was found guilty at an earlier hearing after jurors watched videos of her on three mile training runs while she was claiming she could barely get out of bed or walk without support.

The court heard how she spent a decade claiming 'enhanced' benefit payments due to a serious of conditions she claimed made it difficult for her to stand up or even get out of bed.

But a fraud investigation team set up secret surveillance to capture Bond running around lengthy circuits from her home up to four times a week.

UK's 'worst benefits cheat', 72, who hid father's death 

Amateur actress Ethel McGill, 72, used all her thespian skills to pretend she had dementia and hid her father's death to swindle £750,000

At Liverpool Crown Court, McGill, pictured, admitted hiding her late father Robert Dennison's death for 12 years so she could claim his war pension and benefits

Amateur actress Ethel McGill, 72, used all her thespian skills to pretend she had dementia as part of a long-running benefits and disability fraud that ended with her being jailed for five years and eight months in July 2019.

The pensioner, labelled 'Britain's worst benefits cheat', swindled £750,000 by hiding her father's death and faking dementia.

The dishonest OAP was even given an extra eight months on her sentence in August 2020 for failing to pay back £200,500 of her ill-gotten gains under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

The case made headlines and sparked questions about the ability of authorities to police the benefits system when the ease in which McGill and her family made a fortune from the scam became apparent during the court case.

At Liverpool Crown Court, McGill admitted hiding her late father Robert Dennison's death for 12 years so she could claim his war pension and benefits.

On one occasion she got a friend to lie under a blanket and pretend to be him at her home in Runcorn, Cheshire.

The CPS said at the time that it was one of the 'largest ever cases of benefit fraud by a single person'.

Covert surveillance revealed how McGill could walk around unaided despite claiming she was confined to a wheelchair

Despite the severity of the fraud, MailOnline revealed that shameless McGill, pictured in her younger days, was behind bars only from July 2019 until the 'second half of 2022

The court heard McGill feigned dementia and faked mobility issues for more than 20 years but was caught out when she was filmed moving without assistance and driving despite saying she needed a wheelchair.

She even appeared at court in a wheelchair carrying a pack of incontinence pads that she used to try and cover her face from photographers.

Judge Steven Everett told McGill: 'Part of your problem is that nobody, including me, believes that you are ill, and that you have been putting this on for years.

MailOnline revealed in December McGill had been released from prison after serving less than half of her sentence.

Parents posed as landlord and tenant in £108k scam to fund lavish holidays 

Jonathan Lucas and Melissa Ellis pocketed £108,754 of taxpayers' money by claiming benefits that they were not entitled to.

They were jailed at Liverpool crown court in 2020 for a total of four years for the scam. 

The pair had been pocketing the money for nine years despite living in a plush home in Huyton, Merseyside, and taking their three children on flashy holidays to America, Dubai and Portugal.

Their home, which was protected by security gates, had a convoy of vehicles including a Jaguar, Mercedes, Range Rover and a Transit van with a trailer on their driveway.

Jonathan Lucas (pictured) and Melissa Ellis pocketed £108,754 of taxpayers' money by claiming benefits that they were not entitled to

The garage at the side of the house contained building tools and materials as well as a 'J & L Landscaping' sign at the back.

There were also four mountain bikes, one large scrambler bike and two smaller bikes.

Suspicious fraud investigators for the Department for Work and Pensions eventually snared the couple after visiting the four-bedroom house.

Lucas and Ellis, who illegally claimed the benefits between 2008 and 2017, were living together as husband and wife.

But Ellis had been claiming housing benefit as a tenant before paying it to her partner Lucas, a self-employed businessman, as her landlord and the property owner.

Lucas admitted to officers there was also cash belonging to him in a safe in the loft.

They found £35,000 along with other stashes of cash in the kitchen and a handful of Mexican currency.

In total, officers seized £55,931 and $437.59 in Mexican Pesos.

The couple were arrested at the scene and taken to St Anne Street police station for questioning.

Ellis was jailed for more than two years after pleading guilty to two counts of making a dishonest representation to obtain benefit and three counts of dishonestly failing to notify a change of circumstances

Ellis was shown her applications for housing benefit and income support that she had made from both her previous and current address that were all made as a single parent.

She admitted making false claims.

Lucas claimed to live at an address in Abergele, North Wales, but investigators found it to be frequently booked up as a holiday cottage with paying guests.

Ellis eventually pleaded guilty to two counts of making a dishonest representation to obtain benefit and three counts of dishonestly failing to notify a change of circumstances.

She was jailed for two years and three months.

Lucas pleaded guilty to two counts of encouraging or assisting the commission of an offence.

He was handed 21 months behind bars.

Maqsood Khan, from Merseyside Crown Prosecution Service, said: 'Jonathan Lucas and Melissa Ellis are a pair of serial fraudsters who were falsely claiming a variety of benefits while living a very nice lifestyle indeed.' 

Fraudster faked identities of 200 children to pocket at least £1.7 MILLION 

Ali Bana Mohamed faked the identities of almost 200 children to pocket public money.

Mohamed, from Hulme in Manchester, was jailed in 2022 for masterminding a decade-long scam to cheat taxpayers out of at least £1.7million.

All the fraudulent claims were made on the basis that the adult had care of named children and was entitled to child benefit and tax credits. 

The scam was rumbled when HMRC noticed that calls from the same two telephone numbers were repeatedly used in connection with seemingly unrelated claims.

The DWP launched a probe, Operation Paratrooper, and investigators discovered that Mohamed and six others were behind the fraud.

Ali Bana Mohamed was jailed in 2022 for masterminding a decade-long scam to cheat taxpayers out of at least £1.7million

They also found links to four properties in Manchester including a fast-food shop and cafe, as well as £500,000 in illicit bank transfers and withdrawals.

Mohamed admitted 29 fraud offences and was sentenced to three and a half years in prison in 2022.

It would have been longer had he not already been serving 16 years for drugs and immigration offences.

In 2022, six of the fraudsters who had helped him received jail sentences totalling more than 13 years. One had his term suspended.

Judge Brian Cummings praised DWP officers for 'their skill and determination in their investigation'.

The department's serious and organised crime section established that Mohamed had submitted child benefit and tax credit claims under about 70 different adult names over a nine-year period between April 2007 and July 2016.

Last year he was ordered to repay more than £2million.  

Virgin Atlantic benefits cheat air stewardess

Former Virgin Atlantic air stewardess Mercedes Bradley claimed Universal Credit benefits even though she had £48,000 in a secret bank account where she received payments from 'ex-boyfriends' - one of whom transferred her more than £30,000. 

The brazen benefits cheat defrauded the taxpayer for £10,000 while lavishing cash on a boob job, other cosmetic surgery and a Peloton exercise bike.

She was sentenced to 150 hours of unpaid work in November 2022. 

Bradley, of Ironworks close, Cinderford, Gloucestershire, admitted failing to declare capital after DWP investigators caught up with her, bringing her spending spree to an end.

Former Virgin Atlantic air stewardess Mercedes Bradley (pictured) defrauded the taxpayer for £10,000 in benefits even though she had £48,000 in a secret bank account

Bradley (pictured) used the stolen taxpayer cash to live on while spending tens of thousands of pounds on cosmetic surgery including a breast lift and designer dental work

The charge she admitted was of dishonestly failing to notify the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) of capital savings or investments which would affect entitlement to Universal Credit between March 26 2020 and August 28 2021.

Bradley used the stolen taxpayer cash to live on while spending tens of thousands of pounds on cosmetic surgery including a breast lift and designer dental work, the DWP said.

After receiving a tip-off, the DWP's Financial Investigation Unit team questioned Bradley.

But she claimed the payments were from various ex-boyfriends, who transferred her £47,780 in total.

The DWP also discovered Bradley used the money to pay for luxuries such as a personal trainer and a £4,000 Peloton exercise bike, as well as the monthly subscription.

Despite the cash injections, she had been fraudulently claiming a total of £9,147.11 in Universal Credit between March 2020 and August 2021. Bradley had been claiming the benefit legitimately from June 2018 to March 2020.

Benefits cheat swindled more than £46,000 by falsely claiming she was a single parent

Claire Bostock had illegally filched extra housing benefit and income support for six years without telling welfare officials she was living with the father of her children Jonathan Sykes.  

But the mother-of-three was busted after inspectors from the Department of Work and Pensions logged onto Bostock's Facebook page and saw a series of lovey dovey pictures of her with Mr Sykes, who works for a floor screeding firm - including two images at his Christmas works do.

Claire Bostock, pictured outside court, had illegally filched extra housing benefit and income support for six years without telling welfare officials she was living with the father of her children

The mother-of-three was caught after inspectors from the Department of Work and Pensions logged onto Bostock's Facebook page and saw a series of lovey dovey pictures of her with Mr Sykes

One picture of the couple posted by Bostock, of Bolton, Greater Manchester was accompanied by the message: 'Happy anniversary to my fella Jonathan Sykes - nine years and going strong.'

The gushing caption added: 'You're not just my fella but the father of my beautiful babies. I loved you then I love you now, you are my soul mate my best friend but most of all, your're all mine! Happy 9th anniversary and many more years to come xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.'

At Bolton Court Court in February 2021, Bostock wept as she admitted failing to disclose a change in circumstances.

She avoid prison as she was handed a six month term suspended for two years after she outlined a programme to pay the money back.

The court heard she had initially started making her claims legitimately as a single parent in November 2010 but she 'fell into' the fraud when Mr Sykes moved in with her and helped out with the bills.

The court heard the total loss to the taxpayer between 2012 and 2018. was £46,773.58.

In mitigation for Bostock, defence counsel Mark Friend said there had been no offending since the fraud had been discovered.

He said his client had repaid £1,300 since September including £150 a month deducted from her Universal Credit handouts.

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