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'Deeply disturbing' photo shows Stanford protester wearing a Hamas headband at elite school's rally

5 months ago 23

Stanford University administrators say they were 'deeply disturbed' to see a picture of someone on the California campus wearing the same green headband sported by Hamas terror fighters in Gaza.

The elite university says it has passed on the photo to the FBI as it continues to struggle with reigning in the anti-Israel activity taking place on its campus.

As is the case on many US campuses, anti-Israel students at Stanford have erected a Gaza Solidarity encampment to protest the school's involvement with Israel and the Jewish state's ongoing war with Hamas, the terror group that opened the war on October 7.

A photo of someone at the encampment wearing a green headband, face covering, and glasses recently came to the attention of those running the school. The individual in the photo also has a keffiyeh draped around their shoulders and is looking down at a phone, averting their gaze from the camera.

This picture of an unidentified pro-Palestinian individual on Stanford's campus. The photo has, according to the elite university, been sent the FBI

As is the case with many of its peer institutions, Stanford is battling the establishment of a Gaza Solidarity encampment

On Wednesday, representatives of the institution delivered the following statement: 'We have received many expressions of concern about a photo circulating on social media of an individual on White Plaza who appeared to be wearing a green headband similar to those worn by members of Hamas.

'We find this deeply disturbing, as Hamas is designated a terrorist organization by the United States government. We have not been able to identify the individual but have forwarded the photo to the FBI.'

On Monday, the president and provost of the university said that encampment violates the campus policies that prohibit overnight camping on campus.

Stanford says it has submitted the names of students identified as having violated the campus policy by being part of the encampment to the Office of Community Standards for whatever disciplinary proceedings may follow.

In response, the protestors have strongly condemned the university's behavior, calling it racist.

'Stanford is actively discriminating against Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and anti-Zionist Jewish students using their internal disciplinary process,' wrote the protest organizers on social media.

On the other side of the issue, also on Monday, a letter to school administrators called on the university to take a more definitive stance against anti-Semitic behavior.

It called for the school to remove the protestors, as has now happened at Columbia, the University of South Florida, and others.

Stanford Students setup an encampment as they join the Pro-Palestinian protest movement spreading across US college campuses

Stanford students and Pro-Palestinian protesters gather to protest Israel's ongoing participation in the Israel-Hamas war, as well as their university's financial entanglements with the Jewish state

A group of Palestinian Hamas fighters sport the same green headband as the unidentified individual in the Stanford photo

At UCLA, the massive Gaza encampment was broken up Wednesday night 

Cops faced-off with pro-Palestinian students after destroying part of the encampment barricade as protestors became increasingly hostile

Police methodically ripped apart the encampment's barricade of plywood, pallets, metal fences and trash dumpsters and created a path toward the main hub of tents

Arrests also took place at the University of California, Los Angeles after fighting that broke out between pro-terror protestors and pro-Israel counter protestors led to the cancelation of classed on Wednesday. 

'Other colleges across the country have begun arresting and disciplining malicious student and non-student agitators, setting an important precedent. We, Jews and non-Jews alike, call on Stanford to follow suit,' read the letter.

The letter, which was signed by more than 28,000 people, was written by Jewish students on campus and linked to the picture of the protestor in Hamas gear.

The Jewish students wrote: 'Individuals dressed openly as members of a terrorist organization is unacceptable and must be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Not doing so sets a dangerous standard, as no citizen should have to worry about distinguishing between individuals merely dressed as terrorists and true terrorists who seek to deal us serious bodily harm.'

Police approach demonstrators inside the pro-Palestinian encampment on the UCLA campus

Down the coast in Los Angeles, at least 132 protesters were arrested and at least one officer was injured during the overnight standoff at UCLA.

As of Thursday morning, the school's Gaza encampment was cleared and the dozens of protestors were being booked at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Downtown Los Angeles jail.

Now fed up after weeks of anti-Israel encampments, school administrations are sanctioning crackdowns on the protestors, often executed but local law enforcement.

At Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, 90 people were arrested as the Ivy League's Gaza Solidarity encampment met its end. 

New York City continues to see it's share of protests broken up as well. At Fordham, a day after ending encampments at Columbia and the City College of New York, officers arrested 15 protestors Wednesday.

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