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George Goulburn, 52, gave up corporate life to become a male escort. Now he services 'attractive' younger women and one 80-year-old with 'more sex drive' than anyone else he's ever met

4 months ago 23

George Goulburn made a very unusual change to his working life a year ago - he moved from the renewable energy world to something with more immediate results.

Mr Goulburn calls himself 'a mature, professional companion for women'. 

Another way to put it is that he now works as a straight, male escort, with clients aged from 'very attractive women in their 30s to an 80-year-old with a very high sex drive'. 

'When I was made redundant from my last full-time job, I was thinking, well, what do I do now,' the 52-year-old told Daily Mail Australia. 

'I've seen so little positive change in the climate change space over 30 years, and so I just thought, look, now is the time to do something different.'

He always enjoyed sex, loves women and had been on thousands of dates in the decade before he decided to make the 'natural progression' into escort work. 

George Goulburn (pictured) made a very unusual change to his working life a year ago - he moved from the renewable energy world to something with more immediate results

Mr Goulburn (pictured) calls himself 'a mature, professional companion for women.' Another way to put it is that he now works as a straight, male escort, with clients aged from 'very attractive women in their 30s to an 80-year-old with a very high sex drive'

A man who previously worked as a male escort and has written a book about it put Mr Goulburn in touch with his first client. 

'He offers coaching for men above 40 who are looking to get into the industry, so I sent him a message.

'We had a video call the next day and he said to me, 'look, you're more experienced and ready for this than I ever was'.'

Mr Goulburn then decided to have professional photographs taken, set up a website and an Instagram page, and put a price on the service he provides.

That price ranges from $1,200 for a two-hour 'intimate tryst' to $2,500 for a four-hour hook-up with a couple, to $5,000 for a 12-hour overnight stay.

'When people are paying good money, you've got to give an excellent service,' he said, pointing to testimony from clients on his website.

'In all honesty, George has the capacity to make you feel like the most beautiful and special woman in the whole wide world - and that's just with his smile and eyes,' one woman wrote. 

He said getting that kind of positive feedback is 'just wonderful, the impact that I have on these women'. 

The youngest of his current clients is a 'very attractive' woman in her 30s and the oldest is an 80-year-old with 'a very high sex drive'.

'She is such a wonderful woman. And we've got a lovely connection and (the women's) needs are different.'

Some of his clients are women who are 'not getting the sexual satisfaction that they want' in their relationships, or they are tired of the dating app treadmill.

Others crave the intimacy that has been absent from their lives for a long time, and some are people with disabilities - he has done a course on how to care for disabled people. 

The women he sees 'are really attuned to almost a holistic view on sex and intimacy, and it goes much deeper than just have sex have orgasm, and that is the orgasm is not the point'.

'They tell me it's just the person that I am and that I listen and they're seen and heard. (For some) it could be a different type of sexual experience (they're after).'

He said that some of the women he sees 'don't actually want sex... Or at least not in the beginning, because they're just wanting companionship'.

'And if that then moves into a sexual thing, fantastic. But it doesn't have to.

'I see their confidence just bloom in front of my eyes, just by virtue of having someone to listen and and make them feel like a woman again.'

The fact that he is 52 and doesn't have a muscled, bodybuilder frame is not an issue for his clients, nor for him.

'I've got a couple of university degrees. I make the women feel at ease,' he said.

'There's younger guys who might be in their 20s or 30s, and nothing against them by any stretch ... they've got a six pack and they've got the shirts off. (But) that's not the way I pitch myself.'

Some of Mr Goulburn's (pictured) clients are women who are 'not getting the sexual satisfaction that they want' in their relationships or they are tired of the dating app treadmill

Mr Goulburn (pictured) has never thought about changing his mind on his work, but he did have one particularly bad experience

To increase his network and client base, he has recently been contacting sex therapists around Australia to introduce himself, 'because I figured that therapists can only go so far in what they can provide to people.

'I said, look, I'm a professional and I know that you are too. I can actually provide the service in addition to [the sex therapy],' he said.

Mr Goulburn has never thought about changing his mind on his work, but he did have one particularly bad experience. 

'The more clients I get, the happier I am about the choices I've made, but there was one experience with a woman where I said no, I wasn't going to see her again.

'She didn't appreciate the value of what I do and was just trying to downplay it and it made her feel bad that she needed to be with me.

'And that's a sad story for her, but she was trying to talk me down on price, and I'm like, 'Look, this is my job, I'm 52. I've spent decades building the skills for this. 

'So if you don't appreciate it, then you know, I'm sorry, I don't want to see you again.'

He said he realises the prices he charges are high, but 'There's not a great deal of competition in the male escort business, particularly at my age.

'Whereas (with) female sex workers, it's a sad fact that they just don't get paid as much because of the supply and demand.'

Mr Goulburn's mother - who is younger than his oldest client - and his son and siblings all know what he does for a living and are fine with it.

'My mum said 'I'm never surprised by what you do' and (the others) acknowledge it's not a big deal.

'My adult son knows female sex workers, so it's like, 'Yeah, good one, dad'.'

Over the years, and not just in his business, he has found that 'so many women want men to make some decisions for them. 

'That's particularly if they're a single mum. They're working in a career, and if they're going dating, they're like, 'For f*** sake, can this guy just make a decision so I don't have to?'' 

'I might be 'OK, let's go out for dinner to this place. And would you be OK if I order for you?"

'And they're like, 'Oh, God, yes.' So when women come to me asking for suggestions, I'll willingly provide them.

'And that's the beauty of the crafting of this thing.'

He knows he is not the best looking male escort on the scene, but says he 'can see beauty in pretty much every woman ... That's irrespective of the body shape. It's really personality'.

'I love the intellectual connection and the sense of fun. I'm sure we all have preferences in terms of what we find appealing, but ... a very attractive woman can also be quite a nasty person ...

'I don't mind what the body is like and I think it's particularly beautiful because many women, including women who are traditionally very attractive, have issues about their body and how they look, particularly as they get older.

'So for me to genuinely see this beauty in them, it's real. I can't (and) I don't act. They get to feel more confident.'

He said that some women have told him on subsequent dates that their friends have said, 'What's going on with you? You look different'.

Mr Goulburn (pictured) has two degrees and said many of his clients crave intellectual stimulation

His escort work has caused difficulties when it becomes known to corporate world employers. Mr Goulburn is pictured

Mr Goulburn is not yet working full-time as an escort, and still does some consultancy work in the environment and climate change areas.

But his escort work has caused difficulties when it becomes known to corporate world employers. 

'I was also sacked two months ago from the place where I worked when they found out I was a a male escort, so there's still a lot of discrimination and stigma out there,' he said.

But that has not put him off. 'I see the positive impact of the work I do.'

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