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Inside the probation hostel where two dangerous criminals went on the run: BBC Panorama investigation reveals staggering failures at premises home to murderers, rapists and paedophiles

5 months ago 19

They are meant to be used to house and supervise murderers, paedophiles, rapists, and thugs before they are allowed to run free in society. 

But dangerous criminals are running away from one probation hostel where a member of staff was caught falsifying signing in records for a released sex offender. 

Secret filming as part of a six week BBC Panorama investigation uncovered a litany of staggering failures at Fleming House, in Maidstone, Kent. 

The hidden camera, being worn by an undercover reporter, captured one female member of staff laughing as she boasted about doing 'sod all' and not being 'bothered' to carry out room searches. 

Drugs and breathalyser tests were also not being carried out as plastic tubes had not been ordered by staff or because the hostel had run out of money.

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) says drug testing was done entirely in accordance with official guidance and the frequency of alcohol tests is a decision for probation officers.   

During the documentary, a sex offender goes missing for two days before being found 11 miles from the home of a vulnerable woman who says he 'groomed' her when she was a teen. 

An undercover investigation by the BBC's Panorama at probation hostel in Kent where two dangerous criminals ran away (Pictured here is violent offender Jordan Battams who failed to return in time for his curfew)

Sex offender Anthony Bullman (pictured) was caught by officers two days after he ran away from Fleming House, in Maidstone

While a violent thug, jailed for 12 years for torturing and slashing the face of an autistic man, is only given minimal restrictions and does not return for his 9.30pm curfew just six days after arriving at Fleming House. 

The sex offender who was able to run away from the hostel during the secret filming was Anthony Bullman. 

He had been convicted of sexually assaulting a young woman in 2020 and has been assessed by the Probation Service as a danger to teenage girls.

He had previously run away from the same hostel when he was on probation two years earlier. Police suspected then that he had met a 16-year-old girl whom he had befriended online.

On that occasion, he was eventually arrested for breaking a ban on talking to under-18s and temporarily recalled to prison, but was not charged.

Like all residents, Bullman had restrictions on what he was allowed to do while on probation. These restrictions are called licence conditions and are set in prison, according to the risk an offender poses to the public.

If the restrictions are broken, the offender can be sent back to prison.

As part of his licence conditions, Bullman was required to sign in four times a day at the hostel's office. He was routinely late or did not bother to sign in, however.

One evening when Bullman was 20 minutes late, a junior member of staff called a residential worker, asked the Panorama reporter to falsify a sign-in so it appeared as though Bullman had arrived on time.

'Just write him in for seven. I'm not bothered today, I've worked too hard already,' he said.

When the reporter didn't do it, the staff member falsified the record himself.

The MoJ says it records show Bullman was always present at Fleming House and at no point was he any later than 30 minutes to sign ins. They say he was punished accordingly.  

Philip Wheatley, the director general of the National Offender Management Service from 2008 to 2010, viewed the footage. He said the falsification of records could give a 'false alibi' if the offender was subsequently investigated for an offence.

'It's crucial that recording is done properly, and that failures by somebody who is known to be a known absconder are logged and passed back to the probation officer,' he said.

Two weeks later, Bullman ran away from Fleming House before being arrested two days later near to the home of a vulnerable woman who says he had 'groomed' when she was a teenager. 

The sex offender wasn't the only criminal who ran away from the probation hostel.

Jordan Battams was sentenced to 12 years in prison for grievous bodily harm after he tortured and slashed the face of an autistic man.

He was released on licence after eight years.

A member of staff was caught falsifying signing in records for a released sex offender Bullman

A police officer told the undercover reporter that software which is put on paedophiles' phones to monitor what they are looking at does not work on iPhones

Battams had only minimal restrictions while on probation: a night-time curfew of 9.30pm and an alcohol tag, which should have been used to monitor whether he had been drinking but had not been fitted by the tagging company.

Six days after he arrived at Fleming House, Battams failed to return in time for his curfew.

A member of staff was secretly filmed calling him on his phone and saying: 'Hello, is that Jordan? You should be back here for half past nine. Just give us a rough idea how long you think you'll be.'

The employee then said to the undercover reporter that 'he's under the influence' so he was in trouble, adding that 'he's with a group of people, telling me to 'calm down'.'

Staff consulted a senior probation officer who decided that Battams should be sent back to prison. 

But by that time, he had already been arrested for theft, according to an update from police to Fleming House. A further report said there was also an allegation he had been sexually harassing a teenage girl.

Battams was not charged with any offences but was sent back to prison for breaching the terms of his licence.

Julie, the mother of the man Battams attacked in 2011, said it was 'unbelievable' that he had been able to abscond. 'The system is broken,' she said.

Staggeringly the investigation also uncovered software used to monitor what convicted paedophiles were accessing online did not work on iPhones.  

One police officer, who appeared in the secret filming, is captured saying: 'I don't like to say it out loud, so please keep it to yourself. It doesn't work on Apple.'

Fleming House, in Maidstone, Kent (pictured) house 30 high-risk offenders where they stay for three months

The officer said the law 'needs to be changed' so that registered sex offenders who have committed offences online 'have a phone of our choosing with our software on it'.

The software, which the BBC did not name for security reasons, also does not work on many gaming devices which can browse the web.

Since 2020, more than half of the UK's police forces have used the software, including West Yorkshire Police and the Metropolitan Police.

The software provider said that 'due to the access restrictions posed by certain device operating systems such as Apple iPhones and gaming consoles, these are not ordinarily permitted for use' by offenders 'under court orders but are the subject of police risk assessment'.

Kent Police said it 'uses a range of methods to monitor registered sex offenders' including 'monitoring software, unannounced visits and digital forensic examinations'.

The NPCC said the police use 'detailed risk management plans tailored to each individual'.

The secret filming also captured serious failures in drug and alcohol testing. Many residents are supposed to be drugs tested frequently or breathalysed twice a week, because the offences for which they were jailed were linked to drug or alcohol use.

But some alcohol breath tests were not possible because the hostel repeatedly ran out of plastic tubes for the machine. One violent criminal, who should have been tested three times a week, went two months without a test.

Another offender who had been jailed for sexually assaulting a woman while he was drunk, should have been tested every day but went three weeks without being breathalysed.

During secret filming, the manager of Fleming House said he had been told by 'management' it was too expensive to test residents regularly, after the government moved from saliva tests to more accurate, but costly, urine tests.

Fleming House ran out of money to buy drugs test kits for three months. Even the residents were surprised.

'If I had a joint last week, by the time you piss-tested me, that would be gone,' one said.

Mr Wheatley, the former probation boss, said the service was 'desperately short of staff'.

'It's important the government funds services that are meant to protect the public properly and don't leave them floundering with too much workload and not enough staff to do it,' he said.

A Ministry of Justice spokesperson told MailOnline: 'Panaroma’s unwillingness to share full details of their investigation with the MoJ makes several of their claims extremely difficult to verify. 

'Our records show that room searches and substance misuse testing were carried out routinely and in line with national guidance.

'Protecting the public is our top priority which is why we’re investing £155 million-a-year extra into the Probation Service to deliver tougher supervision, reduce caseloads and recruit thousands more staff to help keep communities safer. Reoffending rates have fallen from 31 to 24 per cent since 2010.'  

BBC Panorama Undercover: Can Probation Keep Us Safe? is available on BBC iPlayer now. 

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