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Nursery worker who killed nine-month-old girl by strapping her face down to a bean bag for more than 90 minutes is jailed for 14 years

5 months ago 22

A nursery worker who ignored the 'serious and obvious' risks of strapping a baby face down on a bean bag to sleep was today jailed for 14 years after being convicted of the infant's manslaughter.

Kate Roughley stared straight ahead as she was sentenced over the death of nine-month-old Genevieve Meehan - known as 'Gigi' - who was left for over 90 minutes before being found 'unresponsive and blue. She was emotionless as she left the dock.

During a month-long trial, jurors heard the 37-year-old displayed a 'lack of sympathy' towards children – labelling Genevieve 'vile', a 'whinger' and a 'diva', and treating the baby roughly before she put her to sleep.

CCTV even showed her ignoring the youngster's crying and desperate last movements as she struggled to survive while tightly strapped to the bean bag, swaddled in a blanket.

Roughley, who had 17 years' experience as a nursery worker but no children of her own, then 'lied' to cover up what she'd done, claiming she constantly checked on babies in her care.

Genevieve, the daughter of barrister John Meehan and solicitor Katie Wheeler, died from asphyxiation brought on by a combination of pathophysiological stresses created by a 'very unsafe sleeping environment'. 

Kate Roughley, 37, tightly swaddled nine-month-old Genevieve Meehan before she further restrained her with a harness and then inappropriately covered her with a blanket

Paramedics tried to revive Genevieve but her condition was irreversible and she died later that day in hospital.

Genevieve's parents, John and Katie, giving a statement outside court following Roughley's conviction

Mrs Meehan earlier told of her agony that she would never hear her daughter say 'Mummy' or take her first steps.

Both Genevieve's parents said they could not forgive themselves for leaving her at the nursery but the judge said they had nothing to feel guilty for as they had left her with 'qualified nursing staff'.

Mrs Justice Ellenbogen said to Roughley: 'By your callous act, you have deprived (Genevieve) of the future she should have had.'

She said a life sentence was not appropriate because she deemed Roughley did not pose a further risk to the public.

A heartbreaking victim impact from Genevieve's six-year-old sister was read out to court. 

The child, who was not named, said: 'Every day, I get punched with sadness What this lady has done is terrible and something nobody should experience.

'My younger sister should have the experience of having two older sisters and I should have a younger sister. This has changed my life forever.'

Prior to sentencing, the judge told Roughley: 'Her death was absolutely avoidable, the results of your unlawful actions on that day.'

Earlier in the hearing, the distraught mother of Genevieve Meehan revealed she feels 'dead inside' and only lives for her two older daughters.

She said: 'Nothing can reflect the horror of her death and the life I now live.

'I lived that day in complete ignorance of what was happening to Genevieve.

'I feel so ashamed and such a failure because I was living in complete ignorance of what was to come.

'The day was so insignificant when I was sat upstairs on a work call when the phone rang.

'The woman (on the end of the line) told me they'd woken Genevieve from her sleep and she was weak and blue, that they had called an ambulance.

'I knew I had to tell John and I had to get to her.'

Mrs Meehan recalled running into the street, where she was picked up by a police officer who took her to Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport.

She told how after her daughters was pronounced dead, she held Genevieve in her arms and 'couldn't bear to let her go'.

'In those circumstances, I lost every bit of myself.

'I lost who I'd been, I became the person I am now, dead inside, incapable of living.

'I struggle to understand how this could happen to my little girl.'

She told how it was only the day before her daughter's death that she had been trying on sunglasses and a swimsuit for a family holiday planned for two months later.

Mrs Meehan added: 'When I found out what happened to her and how she was treated, it shredded any faith I had in there being good in the world.'

She also read a statement by Genevieve's six-year-old sister, from whom the baby had developed an 'inseperable' bond.

The sister said: 'Every day I get punched by sadness. What this lady (Kate Roughley) did was terrible.'

Mrs Meehan, a solicitor, went on to describe how she had gone from being an 'ambitious' career woman to being in 'a state of existence, not living'.

'I want to scream every day about how angry I feel.'

But she added: 'I want the world to know how loved Genevieve was.'

Her barrister husband John, 38, said to Roughley, who sat staring downwards in the dock: 'For you, there will be no redemption and no legacy. You will never be anything but a child killer but Genevieve's name will live on.'

Roughley showed no emotion and stared straight ahead as jurors at Manchester Crown Court returned their verdicts on Monday after nearly six hours' deliberations.

In a statement outside court, Genevieve's lawyer parents John and Katie Meehan told how they had been devastated by Genevieve's loss and that they could 'never forgive' Roughley.

Mr Meehan, 38, said: 'We will never forgive the callousness of Kate Roughley's actions. She was entrusted with the care of or our daughter but instead she treated her with contempt.'

Mr Meehan, stood with his tearful solicitor wife Katie, 39, paid tribute to their daughter who 'loved life, to play the tambourine, spend time with her big sister', and was 'kind, infectious and mischievous'.

'We loved every day watching her develop. We'll never accept the cruelty of her life being taken away,' he said. 'Her life was full of promise and wonder, and it was taken.

'Genevieve's loss has destroyed our family and we grieve for her every day. We're desperate to see her smile, see her laugh and feel her warm embrace.'

Manchester Crown Court heard Genevieve suffered fatal asphyxia and pathophysiological stress caused by the 'unsafe sleep environment' at Tiny Toes nursery in Cheadle Hulme, an affluent area of Stockport, Greater Manchester, on May 9, 2022.

Roughley (pictured) had risen to become deputy manager at Tiny Toes nursery in Stockport after 17 years in childcare

A video grab released today showing Roughley being interviewed by police 

During the trial, Peter Wright KC, prosecuting, told the jury: 'Her death was not the result of some terrible or unavoidable accident.

'We say her death arose from ill- treatment she suffered at the hands of this defendant.'

On the day of tragedy, deputy manager Roughley was acting as leader in the nursery's understaffed baby room where she was one of only two workers looking after 11 babies.

Genevieve had been dropped off by her parents, barrister John Meehan and solicitor Katie Wheeler at 9am and was found unresponsive at 3.12pm. She could not be revived was later pronounced dead in hospital.

Mr Wright said the reason for the baby's condition wasn't immediately apparent but became clear from CCTV footage.

He said Genevieve had been put to sleep by Roughley that afternoon, who had swaddled in her in a blanket so tightly she was unable to move.

The child had also been placed not on her back, according to safe sleep policies, but on her front and face down, strapped to a bean using a harness. 

Genevieve (pictured) was strapped face down onto a bean bag for more than an hour-and-a-half

A blanket was also placed over her that practically covered her head to toe, with the 'inevitable consequence' it would make observations more difficult and increase the risk of overheating.

He said Genevieve was visibly 'distressed by this treatment' yet her thrashing and cries were ignored and she was left from around 1.35pm until she was discovered unresponsive - an hour and 37 minutes later.

Mr Wright said: 'The risk to her of asphyxiation and death was, we say, both serious and obvious.

'Yet the defendant ignored it and by the time she checked on Genevieve with anything vaguely representing any genuine interest it was too late.'

The jury heard how the baby had been enrolled at the nursery just a few weeks earlier in April after she 'thrived' despite being born premature at 35 weeks.

Genevieve had been treated in hospital for bronchiolitis - common in young infants - and was using an inhaler but expert witnesses said the condition was not a factor in her death.

Mr Wright said that in the days running up the tragedy Roughley had displayed a 'lack of affection' towards Genevieve that was 'not merely visible, but tangible'.

Genevieve was left 'virtually immobilised' from 1.35pm to 3.12pm, CCTV footage revealed

Katie Meehan, Genevieve's mother, cries while her husband makes a statement outside Manchester Crown Court on Monday

On the day of Genevieve's death, Roughley had used the bean bag as a 'form of restraint', Mr Wright said, ignoring safety advice never to place babies face down.

Under cross-examination during the trial, Roughley, of Heaton Norris, Stockport, insisted: 'I would never not like a nine-month-old baby. To say I disliked her is far from the truth.'

Asked if she thought that Genevieve's death was avoidable, she said: 'I feel that if I had checked on her a couple of seconds or minutes earlier it may have been different.

'It was a common practice for children to sleep in the bean bag bed.

'I feel responsible in the fact that Genevieve was in my care that day. However, I don't feel my actions were the reason for the death.'

She denied that calling Genevieve a 'whinger' and 'a diva' was 'malicious'.

Roughley said: 'Often we would say to children 'stop whingeing' This was not shouted at the children or said in any malicious way. They were just passing comments through the working day.'

Sarah Elliot KC, defending, told the jury Roughley looked after children in a 'practical, responsible, no-nonsense but caring way'.

She said the defendant denied failing to make safe-sleep arrangements and had 'kept an appropriate eye' on Genevieve.

The defence criticised poor staffing at the nursery.

When the guilty verdict was read out, Roughley's mother was heard to say 'She's not a monster'.

In the wake of the trial, Stockport Council has confirmed it is investigating possible health and safety offences at Tiny Toes.

Franck and Karen Pelle, directors of Abacus Play Limited, which owned the nursery, and their daughter Grace Pelle, also a former director, have not commented on the case. Franck and Karen Pelle are believed to be in France.

Roughley (left) arrives at Manchester Crown Court last Friday with her parents

After the sentencing, police branded killer Kate Roughley 'abhorrent'.

Detective Inspector Charlotte Whalley, of Greater Manchester Police, said: 'This has been a truly harrowing and disturbing investigation. Due to Kate Roughley's lack of remorse and refusal to take accountability for her actions, Genevieve's family have been forced to relive the worst day of their life repeatedly, having their most painful memories made public.

'On Thursday 9 May, whilst the family should have been able to commemorate the two-year anniversary of Genevieve's death, they instead had to endure a day at court listening to the defendant's version of events.

'Their pain is unfathomable, and throughout this nightmare they have kept their dignity, putting their trust in us to get justice for their little girl, but I know that no outcome will ever be enough to replace the loss and grief that they feel.

'The impact of Roughley's abhorrent crime is immense and far reaching. Genevieve's life was robbed, and others must now live with the painful consequences of Roughley's actions.'

Karen Tonge, Specialist Prosecutor for CPS North West's Complex Casework Unit, said: 'Kate Roughley's callous and spiteful actions towards Genevieve Meehan, a vulnerable baby, who she was entrusted to care for, were unconscionable.

'Roughley put Genevieve's parents through further anguish by not taking responsibility for what she had done and taking the case to trial.

'The Crown Prosecution Service worked closely with Greater Manchester Police to build the strongest possible case to secure justice for Genevieve.

'Everyone involved in the case has been deeply moved by the tragic circumstances of Genevieve's death.

'Nothing can ever make up for what Genevieve's parents and loved ones have lost but I hope they can take some comfort in knowing Roughley will face the consequences of her actions. My thoughts remain with them.'

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