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'Please, please don't do any drugs tonight': Tragic text of mother begging her son, 20, to stop doing ketamine - weeks before he beat her to death in a 'k-hole' as she filmed him to show how £40-a-day habit had warped his brain

5 months ago 29

Just two months before she was killed by her son, Suzanne Henry pleaded with him to stop taking drugs.

'Please, please don't do any drugs tonight,' she said in a text message to Finn, then aged just 20.

But her pleas were in vain and despite his assurances he was 'only having a smoke' he snorted Ketamine as he did most days.

Weeks later, he went on another 'bender' which left him fitting in the car park of a Morrisons supermarket at 3pm in front of shocked shoppers and staff.

Paramedics were called but he refused to go to hospital, instead taking more drugs - snorting it while driving his car, using his knees to steady the steering wheel as he did. Hours later he returned to his family home where he beat his petite mother to death with his fists. 

The six-minute assault by the experienced boxer was heard by neighbours across the street and left his mother with a severe brain injury from which she would never recover.

Finn Henry (pictured) beat mother Suzanne to death while on ketamine, believing she was the devil

Two months prior, Suzanne (pictured) tried in vain to stop her son doing ketamine

Finn, now 21, was jailed for seven years at Northampton Crown Court on Monday after admitting manslaughter. The court was told he was so intoxicated he believed his mother was the devil and was sentenced on the basis that he did not intend to kill her.

He is likely to be released after serving two thirds of his jail term and has pledged to work to warn others of the dangers of Ketamine once he is freed.

But the case has left many wondering how a young man from a seemingly loving and supportive home became so hooked on drugs he didn't know he was brutally beating his own mother to death in her living room - a woman he loved deeply and who he described as his 'number one'.

Finn grew up in the picturesque village of Madeley, Staffs. - five miles west of the town of Newcastle Under Lyme - and the former home of England goalkeeper Gordon Banks. Finn's barrister said he came from a 'good, decent, caring, loving, supportive family'.

He attended the local school while his parents, Charles, 57, a former prison officer, and glamourous mother Suzanne, 54, ran a small car dealership together.

Finn was said to be particularly close to this mother. The court heard they shared a 'unique bond' and that she was the person he was 'closest to in the world'.

Mr Henry, originally from Co. Kildare, Ireland, told the court he and his wife were 'traditional' and opted to take a 'firm but fair' approach to bringing up their children: Finn, and sister Niamh, now 23. They tried to limit screen time, he said, and both worked from the age of 14 but by 15 Finn had started smoking cannabis. He admitted first trying Ketamine as a 'one off' aged 16 but by 19 was addicted, spending £40 a day on it.

The 'party drug' was invented as a horse tranquillizer but its use has soared among young people in recent years due to its low cost and widespread availability. Sold as a grainy white or light brown powder, it looks similar to cocaine but can be brought for as little as £10 a bag. It can leave people feeling detached from reality but can also cause hallucinations and can make users feel agitated and panicky.

 Examination of his phone showed Henry was also involved in 'street deals' via Instagram and Snapchat

In the year before he killed his mother, Finn was regularly using Ketamine as well as cannabis.

Prosecutor Maria Karaiskos KC told the court he was 'strongly attracted to the positive effects, as though he had a lot of energy and felt he could do anything'. But he acknowledged he would 'become wound up more easily' and his drug use had led to him losing his job after he threatened a co worker.

Examination of his phone showed he was also involved in 'street deals' via Instagram and Snapchat.

His father said the drug was 'everywhere' in their village and 'cheaper than a pint'.

'It would be easier to pick you out the young people in the village who are not using it rather than the other way round,' he told the court.

Mr Henry said his son was working as a plasterer - starting the day at 6am and going to the gym afterwards but was a 'weekend warrior' like many other young men his age, attending raves and parties at the weekend where drug use was rife. Indeed, his Facebook profile picture shows him posing next to a friend who is holding a balloon used to inhale nitrous oxide - also known as laughing gas - also popular with young party goers.

And soon it wasn't just at the weekend he was using drugs. Finn told doctors after his arrest he had tried to stop but couldn't.

Desperate text messages from his family urged him not to 'throw his future away' and to get professional help. Another from an aunt said she had been 'shocked and upset' at finding out what had been going on and asked when the 'old Finn' had gone. It was March last year when Mrs Henry sent another text to her son asking him not to take drugs and he replied assuring her that he wouldn't.

But Miss Karaiskos told the court: '...despite saying that to his mother... it appears from the evidence that the defendant did take some and they made him violent'. She said he was 'out of control' after taking chocolate covered magic mushrooms and ketamine when he went to a friend's house where he spat on their floor, slapped his friend's father and pushed his mother. He sent a message to his friend's mother the following day apologising saying he had 'still no idea what had happened'. He wrote: 'I completely blacked out and can't remember a thing. It's no excuse for my actions and I take full responsibility.

'I am not a bad lad and I have been bought up better. It's a big wake up call.'

But still he didn't stop. On the day he attacked his mother - May 1 last year - an ambulance had been called by Finn's girlfriend after she had met him at Morrisons and seen him 'going in and out of consciousness and falling to the ground hitting his head'. Finn told paramedics he had taken ketamine and that he had not been taking his prescribed medication for anxiety and depression and was worried his mother would 'go f****** mad' if she knew what had happened.

Paramedics wanted to take him to hospital but he refused and he later went for a drive with friends during which he was seen 'talking to himself, screaming and making weird noises'.

At around 7.30pm, Finn told his friends to get out of his car. They said he was acting strangely, referring to the 'apocalypse' and that he 'needed to disappear for a bit as he was fully dancing with the devil and did not want to do something he would regret'.

Henry was jailed for seven years after admitting manslaughter at Northampton Crown Court (pictured)

He told his friends he would go home and get some sleep but was still acting strangely when he arrived. His mother started filming him 'most likely to show it to him when he sobered up', Miss Karaiskos said. He was 'excitable and loud', jumping around and swearing and shouting out his own name before he is seen throwing two punches towards the camera and the phone falls down to the floor.

'Six minutes later the phone captures his face and he is covered in blood,' the prosecutor said.

Emergency services who were called to the Henrys' smart semi on the main road through the village initially could not tell if Mrs Henry was male or female due to the amount of swelling and blood on her face.

Finn was arrested but was deemed not medically fit for interview until the following day.

He was initially charged with murder but later pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

Jailing him on Monday, Judge Rupert Mayo said he had to take into the account that Finn had failed to address his addiction and the 'gross over ingestion of drugs'. As Finn's own messages showed, he knew it caused him to act violently and significantly out of character.

Addressing Finn directly the judge said: 'You are an experienced boxer, you squared up and it was a lengthy assault in which she, I hate to say this, would have suffered considerably.'

His sister Niamh said her mother had died because of her brother's failure to take responsibility for his spiraling drug use.

'All this regret because you could not find the breaks,' she told him in a moving victim impact statement read aloud in court.

'I do not wish to perpetuate the anguish that I feel,' she continued. 'I ask that Finn takes full responsibility for his actions leading up to that night... to know that he is not the victim in this situation - he is fortunate enough to be alive and have another chance to improve his own life and the lives of others like him.'

Whether he does remains to be seen.

His father said that following 'long conversations' his son has expressed a desire to warn others of the dangers. He said his son had been given a life sentence knowing he had killed his beloved mother.

Finn's defence barrister perhaps summed it up best when he said the tragic case was the 'clearest demonstration of the impact of the repeated consumption of illegal drugs can have in an immature and developing brain'.

Finn's father still lives in the house where his wife died, with a picture of his wife displayed prominently in the living room when she was killed.

He told the court: 'It was extremely hard when you have lost your wife and to find a member of your own family is responsible but as Finn's father I am probably the only person to know the history of the relationship between mother and son.'

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