Round 2: Wes Capper vs Sergei Vorobev
Capper's corner want more head movement from their man, who loves sitting straight in front of the Russian. He walks onto a jab in the first minute, but gets one through after backing Vorobev into a corner.
Commentator and Aussie boxing legend Barry Michael rates Capper's boxing in this round, he's listened to his corner and isn't getting hit as cleanly as he was in the first - but his hands look slow compared to Vorobev.
The Russian tries a right hand lead and misses, falls back on his jab. Capper lands with a light right hand, gets hit to the body, then a right.
Strong finish from Vorobev but not enough to take it.
10-9 Capper
Round 1: Wes Capper vs Sergei Vorobev
The usual feeling out, jab-heavy period, with the Russian getting through first. Great jab on him - accurate, quick and stiff as a board.
Vorobev is trying to catch Capper with the left hook when the Sandgroper tries to come in and hit the body.
Nice right hand gets Capper off balance but he's not hurt. That Vorobev jab is textbook stuff.
Capper owns the centre of the ring and Vorobev looks happy with that. It's clearly the Russian's round.
10-9 Vorobev
A possible world first for ring walk headgear
Capper has emerged wearing one of those little baseball caps with a propeller on the top. Looks like Green was right with his 'mad as a bag of cats' description.
Daily Mail's correspondent has been watching fights for decades and has never seen that. Not even Tyson Fury or Floyd Mayweather would dare go down that fashion road.
Tonight's first fight
Perth product Wes Capper takes on Sergei Vorobev in a middleweight clash to kick off proceedings.
Capper is a former state boxing champ and Australian Muay Thai champ with a 22-5-1 record in the pro ranks - plus he is experienced in MMA. Danny Green rates him highly, having sparred him many times.
Vorobev is Russian-born, based in Australia and boasts a 20-2-0 record. Like many Russian fighters, he has a rep as a technician with great technique.
Green reckons Capper is 'mad as a bag of cats'.
G'day and welcome
Thanks for joining us for Daily Mail Australia's coverage of The Gathering footy fight night, with some of the biggest names in the AFL making their debut in the ring, along with some outstanding professional boxers.
We'll be bringing you round-by-round action from Adelaide as Port Power great Kane Cornes takes on Dogs and Richmond gun turned Channel Nine star Nathan Brown in one of the most highly anticipated bouts of the night.