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The NINE gaffes Biden made in a single speech that the White House had to correct... including calling Capitol rioters 'Irrectionists'

5 months ago 23

    By Sarah Ewall-Wice, Senior U.S. Political Reporter for in Washington, DC

    Published: 19:40 BST, 21 May 2024 | Updated: 20:54 BST, 21 May 2024

    The White House is on cleanup duty after President Joe Biden delivered a gaffes-laden speech riddled with eye-popping doozies including calling insurrectionists 'irrectionists.' 

    White House staff made nine corrections to the speech that Biden, 81, gave before the Detroit branch of the NAACP on Sunday while receiving a lifetime achievement award. 

    In the official transcript of the speech, his team crossed out nine words where Biden made either factual and pronunciation errors and inserted what the president was actually supposed to say.

    In one cringe-worthy moment right at the beginning of the speech, Biden told a story of when former President Barack Obama sent him to Detroit when he was serving as vice president. But Biden got the timeline wrong by about a decade declaring he was sent there during the 'pandemic.'

    President Joe Biden delivering a speech at the NAACP Detroit branch on May 19. During his remarks Biden made nine gaffes which the White House corrected in the official transcript including saying 'irrectionists' instead of 'insurrectionists' and claiming he was vice president during the 'pandemic' instead of 'recession'

    In reality, Biden was dispatched to Detroit to meet with members of the auto industry during the great recession. 

    In the transcript of his remarks, the White House crossed out pandemic and wrote in 'recession.'

    Later in the speech, Biden went after his political opponent Donald Trump slamming the ex-president for the attack on the Capitol on January 6 and calling Trump unhinged. 

    'He calls the irrectionists who stormed Capitol Hill 'patriots,'' Biden declared. 'He says if elected, he wants, quote, 'every' one of them pardoned.'

    In the transcript, the White House crossed out 'irrectionists' and inserted 'insurrectionists.' 

    Soon after that moment, Biden accused Trump of saying if he loses again in November there would be 'bloodshed' which was also crossed out and corrected to 'bloodbath.' 

    Other smaller errors the White House fixed included when Biden said he was 'humbled to receive this organization.' 

    The correct word added in was 'award.'

    They also crossed out 'inspiresing' and added 'inspiring,' changed $8,000 to $800, 'who' to 'to' and corrected Biden calling the NAACP the 'NAAC.'

    Biden has long been criticized as a gaffe-prone president. 

    In the official transcript of the speech, his team crossed out nine words where Biden made either factual and pronunciation errors and inserted what the president was actually supposed to say

    President Joe Biden was forced to correct himself after saying a maimed US citizen still being held by Hamas is 'here with us today' at a White House event on Monday

    Just Monday, Biden was forced to correct himself after saying a US citizen still being held by Hamas is 'here with us today' at a White House event.

    Last week, Biden called North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un the president of South Korea at a fundraiser in California while attempting to make another dig at Trump.

    The president spoke of Trump's pride from 'love letters from South Korean president Kim Jong Un.'

    As Biden makes a series of gaffes while he runs for re-election, Trump has made a habit of mocking Biden for his trouble reading a teleprompter and other missteps on the campaign trail. 

    But Trump, 77, is not immune from making his own embarrassing gaffes while mounting his bid to return to the White House.

    Donald Trump confusing Joe Biden for Barack Obama for the third time in less than six months at a rally in Virginia in early March

    Trump has confused Biden with former President Obama on numerous occasions during speeches and made other verbal slip ups at his rancorous rallies.

    Both campaigns and their supporters have made it a point to go after the gaffes of the opposing party's presumptive presidential nominee in a gaffe battle that is likely to continue well into November and Election Day.

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