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Villagers' fury at plans for winery at local vineyard as they claim buildings will 'obliterate' views of the countryside and will be like having the 'Berlin Wall at the end of the garden'

3 months ago 34

Furious villagers have lashed out over 'monstrous' plans to build a rural winery, claiming it will be 'like having the Berlin Wall at the end of the garden'.

Residents living near the Cobham House Vineyard say the behemoth new booze brewing facility would 'obliterate' their tranquil Kent countryside views.

The agriculture hub - located close to the villages of Cobham and Sole Street, near Gravesend - would be 30ft tall and 131ft long and is the fourth plan submitted by the site's Andorran owner.

But fuming locals say that, if approved, the barn would 'destroy' the area's rural charm - with woman even comparing it to the Berlin Wall, which stood at 13ft before it was ripped down 1989.

Outraged Elizabeth Rons said the winery would sit just feet away from her back fence, and raged: 'It will be like having the Berlin Wall at the end of the garden.'

Furious villagers have lashed out over 'monstrous' plans to build a winery, claiming it will be 'like having the Berlin Wall at the end of the garden'.

Residents living near the Cobham House Vineyard say the behemoth new booze brewing facility would 'obliterate' their tranquil Kent countryside views

The agriculture hub would be 30ft tall and 131ft long and is the fourth plan submitted by the site's Andorran owner. Pictured are the plans submitted to Gravesend Borough Council 

Pallab Sengupta - who lives in Andorra - bought the almost 29-acre estate intending to harvest the grapes.

Around 22 acres are used for growing vines meaning 61 tonnes of fruit is expected per year and 60,000 bottles of sparkling and still wines could be produced by 2027.

According to the submitted planning statement, the proposed winery is therefore needed to support the expansion of the business.

If approved, the new facility would be more than 131ft long and about 30ft tall - about the size of two double-decker buses stacked on top of each other. 

The barn - which will be stained black to merge with the landscape - is planned to be placed on the north of the vineyard, near the back gardens of the homes on Gold Street.

The submitted document states it would be near 'hedges and trees' to help 'provide containment' and where it can 'be screened with native planting'.

Pallab Sengupta - who lives in Andorra - bought the almost 29-acre estate intending to harvest the grapes (pictured is the current site)

However, the new plans would see a 131ft long, 30ft tall building being constructed 

Elizabeth Rons with her daughter Emma Rons pictured  close to the site of the planned winery 

However, residents who live near the vineyard say the plans are 'unacceptable' and would 'destroy' the landscape.

'It will completely obliterate the view. It is an industrial unit,' said Richard Gethin.

'It is within yards of an elderly couple's garden. It will stop them from having any view and the constant noise and light pollution will make their lives unbearable.

'The winery has been placed in the worst possible position in the whole field as it is in the highest part and can be seen from miles around.

'It is not in keeping with this beautiful and tranquil area.

'It will destroy the amenity of the area for the public forever.

'This winery will totally change the local environment by being a blot on the landscape.'

Neighbour Dr Rubin Minhas said the winery would be 'devastating to their quality of life' if given the go-ahead, describing it as a 'monster of a building'.

Neighbour Dr Rubin Minhas described the winery as a 'monster of a building'. He is pictured left with neighbour Adrian Chapman

The doctor, who works in Gravesend, added: 'Nobody is against the principle of development.

'We recognise he can put an agricultural building on his land.

'People are not adverse to a winery. People are supportive of what others have already done sympathetically.

'However, if you put a building of that size on the land you have industrialised the area.'

Mr Sengupta has said he is aware 'neighbours have concerns for their amenity' however he believes the size and location of the winery is 'necessary'.

The submitted planning statement added: 'The proposed location is easiest for future access and screening.

'It is considered optimal because it is set against an existing tree line, rather than in an isolated field location elsewhere.'

An impact assessment also states there would be 'no adverse noise impact' with bottling happening five days a year and the need for light is 'low'.

Parish councillor Peter Crow also raised fears over access to the vineyard and winery as Gold Street cannot be used by HGVs.

Parish councillor Peter Crow also raised fears over access to the vineyard and winery

HGVs are not allowed to drive down Gold Street, where the planned construction would take place

Pictured is the narrow country lane of Gold Street, where residents have raised concerns HGVs passing along it 

'There is a real big issue in accessing this site and the increase of traffic that this building would bring,' he said, adding the lane was 'already dangerous'.

However, the planning document states there will be no HGVs associated with the operation of the winery. 

Several letters of support have been submitted to planning officers.

One written by a resident of Gravesend, read: 'I wholeheartedly support this winery. It is great for Gravesend.

'It champions British agriculture, as we know farmers are suffering and need to have different ways to make a profit.

'What they have done already tidies up the valley and enhances this beautiful AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty).'

Another who lives in Cobham said: 'Great news. I think this would be an asset to everyone in the local area and all the local businesses too.'

A third, from Gravesend, added: 'I think it is a lovely, natural business to have in that area and will only support the natural beauty for local people.

'In our opinion, this is a far better view than a housing estate would be which has always been a concern for local people.

'How anyone could object to the spectacular view of vines growing in the local areas is beyond me.'

This is the fourth time Mr Sengupta has sought permission after the previous three were rejected by Gravesham Borough Council.

Richard Gethin and Barry Bright are among the other residents lashing out at the plans 

Planning officers stated the first application needed prior approval as it would be 'harmful to the landscape' as it would sit in the green belt and an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The second request introduced mitigations to please the officers' concerns and was originally approved but then rejected after neighbours called for a judicial review as they were not consulted before a decision was made.

A petition was also set up, gaining more than 480 signatures.

The local authority conceded that it should not have been approved at the same time as agreeing prior approval so it was quashed.

The third application was then submitted but the location of the building was moved to the south of the land in the hopes of pleasing residents.

However, council officers rejected the plans stating it would be 'visually prominent' and the siting was considered unacceptable.

This latest scheme has moved the winery back to its original position on the north of the land, near neighbouring properties.

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